Friday, February 27, 2009


Well, I think I finally found my trigger for unhealthy cravings...I guess it is this way for lots of people. I have been under extreme stress this week and this morning, as I try to process through a flood of info and e-mails and phone calls and emotions....I am totally craving that Coke Zero and pizza. We are supposed to be leaving town and I find myself being called to come alongside friends who are so adversely affected by events that unfolded this week. I'm going to go fix myself an NRG drink (hahaha....I'm already so jazzed up on coffee caffeine that I can't imagine) and just see if that helps. Just not sure that Arbonne's got anything in the arsenal to help :-) Maybe sipping on some detox tea later...hahaha. What a random post...I know.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Soothing Salve

It's official. I have to eat my words....after proudly boasting that my family has been blessedly well this winter, my elder daughter tested positive yesterday for the flu. Tons of students have been out at my preschool, and my daughter's school and if the doctor's office yesterday is any indication, there is just a lot going around! Needless to say, I have been washing my hands like a maniac (we are also on the oh so expensive Tamiflu) and I am paying the price. They have been dry and sore. Today I started religiously slathering on the new FC5 hand cream. Now, I still wash my hands a TON and so I have to keep reapplying, but I love the way it feels and smells! I suspect it will take a few days for it to "heal" my hands, so to speak. My only complaint is that I miss our small travel-sized hand lotions that would fit in my purse and in every nook and cranny of my house. Maybe those are coming but in the meantime I have to just carry this one around. I may have to bust out my Christmas Shea Butter hand care set to really do a number on my hands later...when I'm not running up and down the stairs a million times to check on the Sick One. Who needs the Wii Fit whenn you've got a sick kid who is bored and needy??

Friday, February 20, 2009

Feeling like a princess...

Back last fall, a sweet mom who encouraged me in my attempt to start a blog (Thanks Laura!) gave me some tips on how to blend colors with makeup, etc. She's quite talented and since this is definitely an aspect of my business, I figured it was good to learn some pointers. Now, I don't wear a lot of makeup...ever. But on occasion, like tonight, I want to look extra nice and make the attempt at eye shadow, etc. Tonight my sweet hubby and I are going on a RARE date with FREE babysitting - woo hoo! We are going to our new fave restaurant...Kenny's. So I used a combo Laura had showed me and it really does make me feel like a princess. Or a fashion model...or at least like I know what I'm doing. The point is, I feel pretty. I guess a perk of the business is I have access to literally all sorts of makeup (which my girls love of course)....anyhoo....Thanks friend for sharing your talents with me!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Works like a charm

Anyone who knows me knows that I am not much into the whole glam thing....I don't wear much makeup. I can't live without my spf 8 lipsaver, which is basically healthy chapstick. And my other can't live without is mascara (oh to be blessed with my older daughter's thick, dark lashes!!) But I hate taking mascara leaves smudges all over the place unless you use that yucky, greasy remover that I absolutely loathe. So when I went to the FC5 launch on Wednesday and the VP doing the product overview said you could use the cleanser/toner product for removing mascara, I was totally skeptical. It seems so counter-intuitive to me to put soap on my eyes but I did it anyway....and lo and behold, it works! Well! I am so excited, because I already LOVE the cleanser, and that it will remove the mascara so thoroughly is just a bonus! yea!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Savor the Moment!

Last Thursday I gave my notice to my director that I would not be returning to the classroom next year. I LOVE teaching...but I am so excited to be home for my girls next year, as I have only one more year until my baby is in Kindergarten! I am so fortunate to have a business that allows me to contribute to those whopper school payments (ouch!) and still be at home. And to be honest, I miss not being able to spend as much time on my business and invest as much in those relationships! I went tonight for Arbonne's official launch for the new product was sooooo cool! It just made me so excited all over again to be a part of this and be able to share new, innovative products to my customers. So if you are a customer reading this, I look forward to being able to serve you even better as I move forward in my business :-) And stay tuned....I got awesome info on just what makes this new line ROCK! (I mean cold, hard facts...not just me gushing because my skin is already addicted to it!)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Relief for the truly pathetic

OK - so my family FINALLY made the leap into the 21st century when we got a Wii for Christmas. I had no idea when I did the tennis and boxing, that I would be in almost incapacitating pain for the next several days. As one who RARELY works out...I mean it kicked my butt. So I was just getting confident (and not so sore) when we decided to bump it up a notch and get the Wii Fit (I mean, honestly, the Littlest Pet shop was not particularly active...haha). It is seriously addictive. But alas, I find myself undeniably sore once again, using muscles I'm pretty sure my body never even knew it had. Sadly, my 7-year old can run circles around me on the thing...literally, since I can't seem to make my Mii run very fast and I ended up with a Coach Potato rating. It's so much fun though and I find myself getting more exercise on that thing than probably the entire last year combined. So what does this have to do with products? Well since I am sore and stiff and the bad kind of achy, I decided it was definitely a night for the Sea Soak. I am still sore of course...just not stiff and achy. I feel relaxed and tired from the good kind of sore. Dare I say I feel refreshed? OK, maybe not, but I definitely feel sooooo much better! I might even be able to force myself into one of those blasted yoga poses that is so easy for my 7 year old. ON the upside, I do kick butt on the hula hoop!

Friday, February 6, 2009

It's all good!

Yea - my skin is so happy...I've got my FC5 products back. No more loaning out until I get my other set in! So selfish...I Know! The thing I missed the most was the day and night cream! But it is all good now :-)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Problem Solved

So I'm still so very sad without my new stuff...I think my skin is going through withdrawl because it's already addicted...haha. I ended up using the New Cell Scrub last night after washing with the detox rescue wash. My skin was like butter...I'll do our enzyme peel tonight in lieu of moisturizer. And I've still got my RE9 eye cream. It's all good...but I'm hunting down the friend with my products to get them back!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

So, so sad...

I gave my one and only set of FC5 products to a customer of mine to try out for a few days...I know she'll love them but I'm pretty sad without them. I've got backup RE9 eye cream but no moisturizers I can use. My skin feels so dry and icky without the day lotion or night cream. I did not realize just how much they hydrate without feeling greasy....With the exception of the enzyme peel, scrub and wrinkle filler, I've switched completely to the FC5 and my skin has never looked better. I'll be counting down the days until my other set comes in or I get my stuff back...whichever comes first! hahaha...

I've also got horrible heels right now...I finally sucked it up and bought the PediEgg...even the thought of it grossed me out. I've used it once to kick start smoother skin and am now using the RE9 body serum and lotion every day. We'll see. Perhaps I should have done a BEFORE picture :-)

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Well...after 3 weeks on the fiber booster I have to say it has been a most successful transition for my family. This could very well be the single best addition for our health in quite a while, and I can honestly say I have never felt this good. I won't bore you with the gory details, but the booster works incredibly well. Because nobody can taste it, nobody minds drinking it...and because I can mix it with whatever we are drinking, the accessiblity of it makes it easy for every day. The old orange fiber shake we drank we such a hassle for me and I found myself not making them all that often because it was just too much of a pain. This is so easy that we have not missed a single day and we get it over with with our juice in the morning. No mess, no clean up...and most importantly, no whining from my kids about it...hahaha. That alone makes it worthwhile!

OH I'll still do my full body cleanse once every 3 months...have no fear. I still highly recommend it. But I'm determined to keep the body the Lord has given me, running at it's absolute best on a daily basis and not just at it's best once a quarter!