Sunday, January 18, 2009

So far, so good...

It has now been a full week since my last carbonated beverage, and that's the only one I've had in two weeks. I can honestly say that I still don't miss it! Oh I am sure there will be days when I crave that Coke Zero...when it's really hot outside. But so far, so good. We have really been trying to eat better and cut out things that aren't good for us. I won't give up my morning coffee, but just one cup and then the little bit of caffeine in my Pomegranate energy drink and I've essentially cut my caffeine intake in half. After doing the cleanse I was determined to stay on the right track. I am seriously loving the fiber booster and really just have not felt this good and this energetic in a long time. We have seriously cut the whites too...the processed sugar and flour. Amazing how such little changes can make such a big difference.

The other day I went for a massage and mani/pedi. I was looking at a fashion magazine, which I never do, but I was struck by an article of women who decided to make one small change and do it daily for an entire month. One lady wore red lipstick every day and saw that it gave her a lot more confidence. One did 10 pushups every day and saw the difference in the tone of her arms. So it motivated me...I am doing 40 crunches every day. It takes me about a minute. So I am committing to spending that 60 seconds every day for a month to see what happens. I don't expect rock hard abs or anything....maybe just a little less mushy. Hahaha. I'll post again!

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