Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sneaky me

Well, it's just been one of those weeks....we have had alot going on. My older daughter has been on Spring Break so we headed to Houston for 5 days and I took a much-needed break from school. We came home yesterday and of course, with hubby in control, I came home to a quite-empty refrigerator. All I had this morning for my girls to drink was milk that was just about expired. Now I normally put fiber booster into their juice in the AM and had never even considered the milk they drink for dinner. Anyway, we had to have milk this morning and I figured I'd put the fiber booster in that instead....duh. It's a white white much more inconspicuous than in the juice. Duh again. Even though they literally can't taste it, every now and then they complain if I don't mix it in well enough because they can see a tiny, microscopic speck of mix floating in their juice. Putting it in milk was sheer genius even if it was on accident. I love it when I can sneak in healthy with my girls. Maybe someday they will drink detox tea with me! Yeah right...I can keep dreamin on that one!

1 comment:

JRo said...

haha, I had a similar thing happen. The Boy needs to have acidophilus everyday and I always thought I needed to put it in a smoothie, which I often do not manage to make. Then one day, I put it in his juice. What? It works there too! Genius! Now he will never miss a dose!