Thursday, July 16, 2009

Rewarding Revelations and Signing Off!

Well, I guess it had to happen. This will be my last least for a while. I recently had the opportunity to be a part of something so fun and inspirational. Arbonne has been working with the Extreme Makeover Home Edition show for about a year now. Each new house, they contact a nearby consultant who then organizes volunteers and donations to fill their house with personal products. Unless you've been living under a rock in the DFW area, you probably know they've just completed a house in Lancaster for a Dallas cop who is wheelchair bound after being shot in the back in a drug bust gone bad. I had the privilege of being in charge of collecting products for the 4 year old boy. Our group raised more than $10,000 in product donations in 5 days!

The show then invited our Arbonne group to come in and help out inside the house. We toted accessories from the garage to the house and I actually spent a good deal of time folding the dad's t-shirts, sitting on the floor of the shower in the blazing heat. We finally left a little before midnight when the next group was arriving to help out.

So what does this have to do with my business? Honestly, it was truly a humbling experience, meeting all these incredible volunteers who had been there all week, sacrificing sleep and time with their families, with the single purpose of doing something wonderful for this family. Every time I am out there representing my company, I am reminded of the privilege I have of serving others through my business. It made me remember that this is a relationship business. I had so much fun talking with team members and customers over the past days as I got donations for the family. My business is about getting out there, building relationships with others, and serving them the best that I can, whether they are on my team building a business or are just a customers who loves the products. It's not about posting random thoughts on products I like. My friends and customers already know what products I love and can't live without. Most know how much this business has and continues to mean for my family both personally and financially. But above all, the thing I value most about my business are the relationships. That's my focus. There's nothing particularly meaningful about this blog. It doesn't build or help my business. It's the people that I am surrounded by in this business that are meaningful.

I realized with this experience that God truly does use ordinary people to do EXTRAORDINARY things! I mean really - building a house in 7 days???? Are you kidding? When I saw what was going on, I was so amazed. But then again, I wasn't. God can do anything! So with that, I am signing off. God has placed so many amazing people into my life because of this business and I am truly blessed!

p.s. The house is beautiful...the rooms are amazing! I was going to post pics but for confidentiality reasons we were not allowed to take pictures, so all I have to post are some pics of the designers and all the products we had....and the outside of the house. you'll have to watch the show to see it all!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Getting back in shape

We are finally back from the ozarks and boy am I ready to get this bod back in shape with better food! It's true what they say...garbage in, garbage out. When I eat terrible (you know, the funnel cakes and fries and pizza) not only does my body not function at its best, but my skin suffers as well. My detox cleanse should arrive in a few days, but my skin needed help now! I started my day with the RE9 deep pore cleansing mask. Now, as a rule, I hate masks because they simply take time I do not have, but I MADE time this morning! My skin immediately looked and felt better. I'm going to have to take some extra time to whip it back into shape, and once I finish the cleanse I'll do another mask. But it's a start!

Sunday, July 5, 2009


We are nearing the end of trip trek #2 (out of 3). This time it was to the Ozarks. More family, more fun, and more FOOD!!! Oy! I've eaten my body weight in everything bad from funnel cake to ice cream, burgers, to BBQ. The last few days I've altered my routine just a bit. Instead of doing the energy drink with fiber booster, I have been putting the fiber in a daily detox tea. I'm starting to feel much better. I'll start the full cleanse (which I do every 3 months for colon health since I have a family history of colon cancer and polyps) next week when I get back and this time Hubby is doing it with me! Woo Hoo!! Can't wait!