Monday, January 12, 2009

Cleanse Final thoughts

Well, I finished the cleanse - woo hoo! I lost a total of 4 lbs. Now the hard part begins. I have not had a coke or any other carbonated drink in 8 days. I am trying to give them up for good this time. Not caffeine....just carbonation. I still have my morning cup of coffee, and the Pomegranate Splash NRG drink has a little caffeine in it...though not much. I put the fiber booster in that this morning and it was just the thing to get me through my morning of teaching. I was not hungry or tired, and the fiber booster will hopefully keep me on track until my next cleanse in a few months. I am just really thrilled with those two new products in terms of helping me stay on track with my nutritional goals. Not so crazy about the protein shake still, but oh well.


Laura said...

awesome Amy. You will not miss carbonation, I promise. I don't. Keep it up.

JRo said...

So worth it not having cokes... I don't miss it at all, and I save SO much money!